
Laboratory and Research

InterVac Level 3 Lab
University of Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, SK

In association with Hemisphere Engineering

This recently completed state-of-the-art facility located at the University of Saskatchewan site in Saskatoon, Sk. had its grand opening in September, 2011.

The facility provides a location for the research of infectious disease.

The 4,850 sq m Level 3 lab facility includes Laboratories, large animal isolation rooms, surgical and necropsy suites, and supporting offices. International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) is one of North America’s largest containment level 2 and 3 vaccine and infectious disease research institutes. 

The mechanical design featured the following:

  • Perimeter Radiant heat with individual room heating control.
  • Terminal units with reheat in interior areas.
  • 100% fresh air supply to all Labs and isolation rooms.
  • Glycol run-around loop heat-reclaim system recover’s heat from the exhaust air and transfer the energy to the incoming outside air.
  • Steam building heat is supplied from the central U of S heating plant.
  • Process steam and "clean steam" for laboratory applications.
  • Room pressurization control.
  • Indirect domestic water heating.