U of S Chiller Plant

Central Plant

Chiller Plant Upgrades
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK

DWEL has provided mechanical consulting for two major upgrades to the chilled water system at the U of S Central Heating & Cooling Plant. 

In 1987 one of the existing 1,000 ton chillers was replaced with a new 1,500 ton chiller.  The plant piping arrangement was left basically as-is.

In 2005, a new 2,000 ton centrifugal chiller was added which brought the plant cooling capacity up to 6,500 tons.  A new cooling tower was also incorporated in this phase.

The plant was piped to allow for a fifth chiller and a fourth cooling tower to be added in the future which will bring the plant capacity up to 8,500 tons.

The mechanical design incorporated the following features:

  • Chilled water plant was piped to incorporate a primary/secondary piping arrangement with bypass loop.
  • Variable speed pumping control was redone and enhanced for the secondary system.
  • New cooling tower incorporated a variable speed capacity control and hydro-booster sump cleaning system.
u of s chiller plant